Monday 9 August 2010

Mirissa = Traveller's paradise!

I finally get to update this thing!! The internet connection is a litttle dodgy out here! I'm using the computer in Malike's (host mum) brothers shop and he already had to log me in and out about 5 times and reboot to get it to connect! haha hence lack of updates!

This weekend I got my first proper experience of what it's like to travel around Sri Lanka. We took the 6 hour bus journey to Mirissa which is one of the few beach resorts left that hasn't been ruined by tourists. The hotels are all hidden by palm trees and there are only a handfull of people so it's like being on a desert island :) We (Tristan, Maries, Belli and I) stayed in a gorgeous little guest house run by a local family. To get to our room you had to go through their front door and cross the lounge, and we were awoken each morning by the baby's screaming! haha was a bit of  mad house!

While at the beach we met up with another group of volunteers with Projects Abroad from Panadura and Negoda. Including a Norweigen girl Martine who I met on the first night who is so lovely! Out here I have met volunteers from all over, I love it! There were a few German's for Belli to chat away to as well :)
So we just lazed around on the beach, and went swimming, then in the evening hit the bars! We had this spirit 'Arrack' which is really good mixed with coke but gives you the most horrendous hangover! I must bring some back!

On Sunday it was time to travel back for our placements on Monday morning, but we had time to stop off in the city Galle. We explored the old part of the city, including the ancient fort, then got the bus back to Negombo. Public transport out here is so crazy and shambolic but I love it! Well, when I have a seat haha if you have to stand it is a nightmare! Next weekend we hope to meet up with the same group and climb Adam's peak (highest mountain in Sri lanka) which is a famous place Pilgrims visit, and also the rainforest!

Ahh I have written so much and I haven't even mentioned the children in the preschool! All you need to know is that they are the cutest bunch of kids you will ever meet, and all so polite and respectful! Last week we made fish collages with them, and tomorrow we are going on a school trip to Kandy (home of the sacred tooth temple). I cannot wait to see the Hill country of Sri Lanka, it is meant to be so beautiful!

Hopefully I will be able to update soon and let you know how tomorrow goes :) xxxx

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